Buddhism religion,one of the oldest religions


Buddhism religion

is one of the oldest religions. The followers of this religion believe in God. Most of the people who practice Buddhism are peaceful and non-violent. Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama (“the Buddha”). His teachings are meant to guide people toward a better life. He taught his followers to accept suffering and hardships because he said that everyone must suffer at some time in his life. We should learn to control our anger and anger others. We must realize that we will all die someday. The purpose of his teachings is to teach us to live a good, happy life. He taught his followers to make amends with the ones we have harmed. He told us to love our neighbors.

The foundations of Buddhism

are non-violence, compassion and truth. These are all ideals to which we should aspire to.You should learn about the foundations of Buddhism, but you must first decide whether you really want to devote yourself to Buddhism. Remember, the Buddha taught us to be honest. He wanted us to be honest with ourselves and honest with others. He wanted us to be good and to be kind to all creatures. He taught us to work hard and to help others who were suffering. If you think you want to devote yourself to Buddhism, it's a good idea to read the teachings of the Buddha. We should study the teachings of the Buddha and learn from him. We should not worship him.

 The life of the Buddha

was very different from ours. The Buddha was born in a family of kings. He was born in Nepal, India. His parents thought he was going to become a king. They were disappointed when he was born a prince instead of a king. When he was young, he grew up under a powerful ruler. He knew nothing else but war, politics, and riches. It was all his parents ever talked about.  They had no time for anything else. When he was older, he left home and became a monk. He wandered through India and learned from many people. He studied everything from the Vedas to philosophy. He spent most of his time in meditation. He worked on himself until he had achieved enlightenment.

Buddhism Beliefs

Buddhism is a religion based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as Buddha. Buddhism believes in reincarnation. If you die while alive, you will return to earth again. You will be reborn in a different world. At the end of your next lifetime, you will be reincarnated again.The Buddha was born in India around 600 BCE. He grew up in Nepal. His family was poor, so he was forced to leave them when he was still very young. He traveled through the country with other monks. The Buddha eventually reached the city of Kapilavastu. He met the Buddha's father, the king, and converted him into a Buddhist.

Founder of Buddhism

: The Buddha started his religious journey by seeking enlightenment when he was 26 years old. Siddhartha Gautama (born 463 BCE) founded Buddhism. He is the founder of Buddhism. He is also called Gautama Buddha. The Buddha was born in Nepal. His family was rich and the king was his father. The Buddha's mother died when he was only a baby. He grew up in a palace.The Buddha traveled to Rajagriha. In Rajagriha he found a man named Ananda. He told him about his enlightenment. Ananda helped the Buddha to meditate. The Buddha was enlightened. This is the beginning of his life as a religious teacher.

Buddhism History


The Buddha's teachings spread widely. He traveled around India and established monasteries. He taught his followers to follow a religion of peace. This led to the formation of the first Buddhist organization. The teachings were translated into many different languages. The religion grew over time. The Indian government and other groups attacked the Buddhists. Many people had to flee their homes and go to other parts of India. Some had to leave India completely. There were a lot of political problems. The Buddha was criticized by some members of the religious organization. His teachings were changed. A large number of people left Buddhism after this. However, in Sri Lanka Buddhism is still popular.

Types of Buddhism

There are different types of Buddhism. Each of them is practiced in a different way. Some of them focus more on meditation. Some of them focus more on chanting prayers. There are others which focus more on rituals. Theravada Buddhism: This type of Buddhism is prevalent in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos and Burma. It emphasizes on meditation and chanting. It is based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha. It was formed by Ananda, Mahamoggallana, Kassapa, Sariputta, Maudgalyayana, and other monks who were students of the Buddha. They taught the Theravada philosophy. It has the same beliefs as Hinduism.


Mahayana Buddhism is one of the major types of Buddhism that is practiced in Asia. It is sometimes called the Great Vehicle. It is also called Vajrayana or the Tantric school of Buddhism. It is one of the two main schools of Buddhism. The other is Theravada. It is believed that in Mahayana Buddhism, one's destiny in life depends upon the level of compassion he has. The practitioners are advised to be self-sufficient and independent. They should be free from attachment. They should avoid getting attached to things, people and things in life. Instead, they should practice patience and forgiveness. They should practice being grateful. They should be free from hatred.


There are two major forms of Buddhism, namely, Theravada and Mahayana. Theravada is the predominant form in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma, Laos, Laos, and the rest of South East Asia. Mahayana is practiced in China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India, Nepal, and Tibet. Theravada is also known as Hinayana. The main difference between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism is that in the latter one, there is no concept of karma. Instead, in Theravada Buddhism, it is believed that one's fate depends upon his past deeds.


means law. In Hinduism, it is used to mean spiritual law. Dharma is usually translated as “teachings.” It is also sometimes translated as “precepts.” In Buddhism, it is defined as “what is conducive to well-being.” It includes what one should believe, what one should do, what one should avoid, and what one should practice. Dharma is an important teaching in Buddhism. It is not only about spirituality. It is about being compassionate. It teaches us about right living. It teaches us that we should be grateful. It teaches us to be patient. It teaches us to forgive. It teaches us to be generous.

  • Killing living things
  • Taking what is not given
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Lying
  • Using drugs or alcohol

 Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths, which Buddha taught, are:

  • The truth of suffering (dukkha)
  • The truth of the cause of suffering (samudaya)
  • The truth of the end of suffering (nirhodha)
  • The truth of the path that frees us from suffering (magga)

