Islam as religion, Islam is a major world religion that was developed in the 7th century CE.






Islam is a major world religion that was developed in the 7th century CE. Islam as a world religion has been spread over the entire globe and its followers number over 1 billion. Islam means surrender or surrendering in Arabic, and in Islamic belief, God commands all people to surrender or surrendering to him. As a result, everyone who believes in God becomes a Muslim. According to Islam, a Muslim must believe in one God. He must believe in his prophets (such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and others), in the last prophet (Muhammad) and in all other prophets. A Muslim must obey God and his prophet and must follow his orders.

The foundations of Islam

can be described as follows:

A Muslim is a person who believes in one God and in all of His prophets.

A Muslim must believe in the Qur'an.

A Muslim must accept Islam as his or her religion.

A Muslim is required to pray five times a day.

A Muslim is required to fast during the month of Ramadan.

A Muslim is required to offer the first animal that he owns to God when he offers sacrifice.

A Muslim must pay zakat or alms to the poor.

A Muslim must donate for the benefit of others.

A Muslim must treat each other with respect.

A Muslim must be kind to animals.

A Muslim is prohibited to steal.

Sources of Islamic doctrinal and social views

The Prophet (peace be upon him) told us that we can follow the four (principles) of religion; Qur’an, Sunnah, consensus, and jihad. These principles are fundamental to Islam. Islam teaches that all of the knowledge and wisdom that came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) came from God. All the rules that he taught us were sent by God. These rules include eating, drinking, sleeping, marrying, fasting, prayers, fighting, and other laws that are mentioned in the Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah. One of the important things about the Prophet’s Sunnah is that we can learn from it and follow its teachings.

Doctrines of the Qurʾān


is the creator of all things. He created everything, including people, animals, plants, and all of the living things. He is the only ruler, and all the rulers belong to him.

God is the creator of heaven and earth. His name is Allah, the name of the Creator. God created heaven and earth in a moment, and He never changes.

God is the Lord of all the worlds. God is the source of all the laws that govern the universe. There is nothing but Him, and no power or person in the universe has the power or ability to do anything without his permission.

God is the only one who has the right to judge anyone and everyone on the Day of Judgment.

The universe

was made by God, and God is responsible for its existence. He has complete authority over the entire universe. He is the source of all laws governing the universe. God created all the creatures on Earth, including humans. Humans have been given the responsibility of guiding other creatures on Earth. Some people try to prove that humans aren't really responsible for creating the world, but this is a wrong belief. God says that man has been made the leader of the animals. This means that he is supposed to take care of them. It is up to him to teach them to do good and avoid evil. God is the creator of the universe. He has given us the power to think, to feel, and to act.


 One group consists of those who believe that they are God's creation. The other group consists of those who think that they were made by God. There are actually people who claim to be both of these. Those who think that they are created by God believe that the creation of the universe came from God. They claim that God has the ability to create anything. Those who think that they are created by God do not believe that God created the universe. They say that God created humans and gave us the responsibility of taking care of the rest of his creation.We know from our own experience that we are creatures of God. We are here to obey God.

 Satan, sin, and repentance

are words that are used to describe God's relationship with man. Satan is the ruler of this world. He is the one who tempts people to commit evil acts. He is also the one who gives humans free will. Most people believe that they are God's creations and not God himself. This is why the devil tries to convince people that they are his creations. We see many people who are committing sins today. This is not something that only happened in the past. Human beings continue to commit sins today. The Bible says that Satan is the father of lies and the prince of darkness. We cannot blame him for creating this problem. The devil is a spirit who has no body. He is neither human nor an animal.


is the act of predicting the future. There are many people who claim to be prophets. These people are wrong. Prophets are men whom God has specially chosen to be His messengers. Their role is to announce what is to happen in the future. If they are correct, everything they say will come true. For example, they may predict that the world will be destroyed, or that someone will be punished for a specific reason. The Bible says that God's prophets are chosen from among men. God does not allow other people to predict anything about the future."Whoever claims to know a prophet is known to God, and whoever denies him will be judged with the greatest severity."

Eschatology (doctrine of last things)

means the doctrine of what happens after the end of time, i.e. the end of the world and the end of humanity. It deals with the events that take place after the apocalypse. Prophecy is an important component of eschatology, and it includes the doctrines of the end of the world and the end of humanity, as well as the end of the world as we know it. Eschatology, which is derived from the Greek term 'eschatos' meaning the last, relates to what happens after the end of the world.The term "eschatology" was coined by Jewish theologian Philo of Alexandria in the 2nd century CE.

Social service

 It is usually done to serve mankind. Many religions believe that human beings should serve others. Social services are often religious in nature. Social workers are responsible for the welfare of others. It is the duty of social workers to provide medical care to the sick. They help poor families to stay away from poverty. A social worker also takes care of orphans, the handicapped and elderly people. A social worker has the responsibility of providing financial assistance to people who are suffering from poverty and other social problems. In many countries, there are government offices dedicated to helping people who are in distress. It is their job to find out whether people are getting adequate food, shelter, medical care and education.



















