Judaism, belief among the Jews, who believe that God made mankind



."It was the ancient belief among the Jews, who believe that God made mankind in His own image, that the world was created and brought to life by God. This faith, which was born during the Babylonian exile and flourished only in Judah (the kingdom of King David), came to be called Judaism because of the belief that God had chosen the Jewish people to be His special creation. The belief that man was created in the divine image means that man is divine, because he is created in the same image as God, the creator of everything. The name Judaism comes from the Hebrew word 'judah', meaning chosen. It is the belief that God chose the Israelites to be his chosen people.

Judaism Beliefs

They believe that God gave the Jews the Torah as an expression of His love for them. God promised to send prophets and teach the Jewish people about Him. For thousands of years, God sent prophets to the Jews, including Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and many others. The Jewish people were blessed, because their God taught them the way to heaven. They believed that every person has the opportunity to experience God and to do good works. Their God has given them a covenant to keep. One of their laws is that if they disobey God, they will lose their salvation.There are also six hundred and thirteen commandments that the Jewish people must follow. These laws come from God, and they are very detailed. The commandments are found in the Old Testament. Some Jews believe that the commandments are still binding, because God told the Jewish people to keep them. The commandments are called mitzvot, which means deeds that must be done. The six hundred and thirteen commandments are grouped into two groups. The first group of commandments contains the Ten Commandments and the second group of commandments contains the rest of the laws. The ten commandments include the following:

• Do not kill.

• Do not steal.

• Honor your parents.

• Honor the Sabbath day.

How did Judaism begin?

The Jewish religion began 4000 years ago when Moses led the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. Moses was the greatest leader of the children of Israel. He is the one who established the Ten Commandments. Before the children of Israel left Egypt, God told Moses to write down his words on a piece of stone and put it in a basket. The Jews call this stone "the stone tablets." The stone tablets were carried by the children of Israel for hundreds of miles. After they reached Mount Sinai, God spoke to the children of Israel. God said that the children of Israel were too sinful to continue living in the wilderness. God told the children of Israel to move out of the desert and settle in the land of Canaan. God also said that the children of Israel would have to be slaves to their enemies in Canaan for four hundred years. Then, after 400 years, God promised that the children of Israel would be freed and would be allowed to live in the Promised Land. God also told the children of Israel that they should never forget what God had done for them. God told the children of Israel to take a copy of the Ten Commandments and read it each week. These laws were given by God to the children of Israel.

Founder of Judaism

Jewish faith dates back to the time of Abraham. This religion was brought by the Jews when they left Egypt. Their exodus from Egypt is one of the main events in the Bible. The Bible says that the Children of Israel were delivered by God from slavery in Egypt. They went through a lot of trouble and hardship to get to the Promised Land, which was full of Canaanite people who did not accept them as fellow countrymen.The Torah contains several stories about the origin of the Jewish faith. One of the stories tells about a man named Abram. The name Abram means "exalted father." He lived during the early days of the nation of Israel. When Abraham was 99 years old, God appeared to him. The Torah says that God gave Abram a promise that he would have an ancestor who would be called "the father of a multitude of nations." The Bible says that God wanted Abram to leave his home in Haran and travel to Canaan. God would bless him and his descendants, the children of Israel. He would give them the Promised Land and many of the people who were living there would become Jewish people. God promised that he would be with Abram and he would be a godly patriarch.

Three basic groups of Jewish

people existed in Israel at that time. They were the Hittites, the Ammonites and the Philistines. All three groups were considered to be enemies of the Israelites. Each group had a king who would lead its army against the Israelites. In each battle, the Israelite army would defeat them and take their land. As long as Abram remained in Haran, his family members were in danger. However, God decided that the time had come for Abram to move to the Promised Land. His wife Sarai wanted him to remain in Haran, but Abram said that he had to go. So he prepared to leave. He called all of his servants and told them to go back to their home and say goodbye to their families. Then he left for Canaan with only a small group of people. When he arrived in Canaan, he settled in a place called Hebron. Abram's son Isaac had two sons. The first one was Esau and the second one was Jacob. Jacob was the one who had the promise. The promise was that he would be a godly patriarch and that he would have a large number of descendants. He would be a blessing to the rest of the people in the world.

sacred texts of the Jewish people?

The Hebrew Bible contains the Jewish sacred scriptures, the Tanakh. It is also known as the Old Testament. The Old Testament includes the books of Torah, Nevi'im and Ketuvim. The Hebrew Bible is one of the oldest documents ever found. Its manuscripts are written in various ancient languages such as Aramaic, Phoenician, Greek, Latin and Hebrew. It is a collection of stories about the creation, the Garden of Eden and the flood. Some stories have been changed. There are also parts of history and law in this collection. It also has a section of prophets' and psalms.It contains some of the oldest surviving books. It is believed to be about 4000 years old. The original Old Testament was written in Hebrew around 1000-100 BCE. It was written in ancient Hebrew script. Abraham was believed to have written the first copy of the book. It is a sacred text.The Bible is considered to be the foundation of Judaism. It is the most important book for the Jewish people. The Bible is the most important source of religious knowledge for the Jewish people. It was written in the Hebrew language. The first written copy of the Hebrew Bible was found in Cave 4 of Qumran in the West Bank. It is also known as the Dead Sea scrolls.



