Taoism, practices based on teachings


and Confucianism was probably created around the same time and were based on the belief that life and the universe are natural and spontaneous. They teach that life is the result of a natural process and that the universe has a power and energy of its own that guides things in a certain direction. The Chinese thought that the world is governed by a set of laws, but that these laws can only be known through intuition. They believed in harmony and balance, and that all things and beings have a purpose.It was the Chinese philosopher Laozi who developed the doctrine of Taoism. The Chinese believe that the universe was created from an infinite void by the power of a single source, the mysterious Tao. The Tao was understood as a primordial force that was in control of all things. They believed that the Tao was a principle that existed before time. It is represented by an immortal being that gave birth to and brought life into existence. Some say the Tao is the impersonal aspect of the universe. Others believe it is the personal or individual side of reality. A common name for the Tao is “the way” or the “path.” A person who believes in the Tao does not seek to change the course of the universe.


 "Taoism" refers to a set of beliefs, rituals and practices based on teachings from a book called the Tao Te Ching.

Taoism, "the way", is not so much a religion as a philosophy of life. There are few things more important than understanding this philosophy.

Taoism believes in the oneness of all things in the universe. All things have a purpose in the Tao. All of them are made of the same material, energy, and power, and are therefore equal. For example, the stars in the sky are just like the trees in the forest, only larger. They have a place and use in the Tao as well. A tree is alive and has its own intelligence, as is the star. It lives within the Tao and knows its purpose and uses. It is a part of the whole. To be a part of the whole means to participate in it, to be an integral part of it. We are a part of the whole. In Taoism, you will always find that everything is interconnected. The whole of Taoism revolves around the concept of Yin and Yang. The idea behind this is that all things are balanced between Yin and Yang. The Yin and Yang symbolize the forces and energies that make up everything. There is always an equal amount of Yang and Yin.


is an essential part of Chinese culture. We group and categorize things so that we can understand them. This helps us to make sense of our experiences. All things are categorized, but you will find that you cannot put people into boxes. You can put things into categories, but you can't put people in boxes. There are five categories. The first two categories are yin and yang. These two categories are about things that are opposites. For example, there are things that have high energy and things that have low energy. Things that are cold and things that are hot. Things that are round and things that are flat. The third category is the four seasons. These are about the different phases of the year. Summer is the season of growth and fruitfulness. Winter is the season of dormancy and hibernation. Spring is the season of rebirth and fertility. Autumn is the season of decomposition and decay. The fourth category is the five elements. These are about the different forces of nature. Air has no weight. Fire is hot. Water is wet. Earth is solid. Metal is hard. Wood is soft. The fifth category is the six lines and colors. These are about harmony and order. The red line symbolizes the south and the yellow symbolizes the north. The green symbolizes spring.

The terms "Taoist" and "Taoism" as a liturgical framework

represent the central and the most fundamental form of Chinese folk religion. The "Tao" stands for a way of understanding the world. The "Tao" is said to be something that cannot be described by words. To understand the Tao, you must have it.If you think about it, when the Taoist was looking around, he didn't say "there are words that describe the Tao," nor did he say "the Tao is something that has words." He didn't even say that the Tao was somewhere else. Instead, he said that the Tao is inside of us. There is no such thing as the Tao outside of us. The Tao is within everyone. People often misunderstand what the Tao is. Some people believe that the Tao is the universe. Others believe that the Tao is a deity or a personage. People often call themselves Taoists and practice Taoist philosophy when in fact they are practicing Buddhist or Confucianism philosophies. They might even consider themselves followers of Jesus. All of these philosophies and religions have one thing in common. They all look outside of us to define and explain what the world is. In reality, these are different names for the same thing. Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, and even the Jewish faith are all forms of Eastern religions.


is like a book that is written about someone or something. So many events have happened that we can't remember all of them. However, we know who or what caused them. For example, the Buddha caused Buddhism, which was later changed into Taoism. Jesus caused the Christian religion. He said that his father was God and that he was sent from him to teach and to preach. Jesus was crucified on a cross at Golgotha near Jerusalem. He was buried in a tomb in an unmarked grave. Many people claim that the true Jesus did not die and that it was another Jesus that was buried in the tomb. This was a form of heresy. The Jews believe that Jesus is the Messiah and that he is the Son of God. But most religions in the world today say that he is only the son of God. Some religions say that he is a god while others say that he is the same god as the other gods.If you are a follower of Jesus, you might be offended when you hear this. It isn't true. In a way, Christianity is just a small variation of Taoism. It has been written about that Taoism was founded by Laozi. That is why they both have the same beliefs and practices. They believe in the same concepts of life.

The Taoist Canon

is said to be based on the writings of Laozi. It has been translated into many languages. There are four major books in this canon. These are the Daodejing, the Zhuangzi, the Liezi and the Chunqiu. Each book has about 150 chapters. They all teach the same lessons. The people who follow Taoism are called Taoists. They believe that they are living a better life compared to their ancestors. Some people who are not followers of Taoism think that they can never be better than those of Taoism because they believe that they are the true children of God. It is important to understand that those who follow Taoism and those who are Christian have nothing against each other. They just believe different things. They have much in common in regards to life. They all seek peace and happiness in their lives. They believe that everything happens according to its own timing. They believe that no one knows everything, and no one is perfect. They know that no one is good or bad. They also know that they will never be perfect. That is why they should accept themselves as they are. They also know that they will make mistakes. They just try to fix those mistakes. They are not worried about whether they will succeed or fail. They know that failure is just another step in their journey.


