Zoroastrianism as a reliogion


(10th – 5th century BCE)

is a monotheistic faith originating in Persia (modern-day Iran). It believes that there is only one God, Ahura Mazda, who created all living things. There are three sacred scriptures: the Avesta (lit. 'what is heard'), the Yasna (lit. 'praise') and the Vendidad ('law'). It is a dualistic faith. The main difference between it and other monotheistic religions is that its founder, Zarathustra, believed that Ahura Mazda had a son, called Ardwahisht. This faith is known as Zurvanism. According to the Avesta, Zarathustra was the prophet of Ahura Mazda. His name means'star'.

Judaism (9th – 5th century BCE)

is one of the world's oldest religions. Judaism is based on Abrahamic tradition. Judaism is considered to be the religion of the Bible. Jews believe in the Jewish god Yahweh, and follow the laws of Moses. The followers of Judaism believe that there is only one true God. They believe that God created everything including the earth, the universe and the stars. All Jews are considered to be children of God. They all believe in the same holy books. The followers of this faith also believe that God gave the law to Moses on Mount Sinai. Judaism is a dualistic faith. This means that Jews believe in both good and evil. They believe that good and evil exist in the world.

Jainism (8th – 2nd century BCE)

is one of the oldest religions in the world. It has been practiced in India since ancient times. This faith teaches its followers to remain selfless and self-controlled. These people do not have a leader and are led by the teachings of the founder of this religion, Mahavira. The followers of this religion pray to God and seek his help. According to Jainism, there is a difference between man and the universe. It believes that all living beings including humans are made up of atoms. The belief system of Jainism emphasizes on non-violence. The followers of this religion believe that man should follow moral codes. The Jains believe that karma determines the fate of a person.

What Does Exploring Some Of These Old Religions Reveal? 

The concept of reincarnation and karma has been around since ancient times. Even today, some people believe in the concept of reincarnation. There are many different forms of religions in the world today. Many people still believe in some form of a religion, while others do not. When it comes to beliefs about what happens after death, many people do not think that they will come back to this world again. Many people believe in reincarnation, but some people don't. It depends on the religion and the beliefs of the person. The majority of religions teach that you will be reborn again after you die. Many people believe that God will judge the people who have done wrong things during their life.

A Brief History Of The Origins Of Religion

There are many different religions in the world today. Many people still believe in some form of a religion, while others do not. Most religions have a form of a deity. Some people believe in one form of deity, while others believe in a combination of different gods. Many people have their own ways of praying. Others believe that they have to pray in special ways. It depends on the religion and the beliefs of the person.When it comes to beliefs about what happens after death, many people do not think that they will come back to this world again. Some people believe that they will continue to exist in the spirit world. Others believe that they will continue to exist as a soul. Some people believe in reincarnation.


, a Sanskrit poem, is considered as a foundation of Hinduism. It tells the story of how the Pandavas, who were banished from the kingdom, took revenge on Kauravas for killing their fathers. The war was started by Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, and it ended with the destruction of the Kaurava kingdom.  The story has been told in various forms. There are versions where a demon named Vichitravirya is king, and there are others where Krishna is the main character.Some people believe that after death, they will come back to this world again. Others believe that they will continue to exist as a soul.


 the three books of the Bible, which are also called The Book of Genesis, the Book of Exodus, and the Book of Leviticus. The Bible is the most widely read and quoted book in the world. It is also known as Holy Scripture. In Christian belief, the Bible is God's word to man. Christians believe that it is inspired by God. It was written by the apostles.In Islam, the Quran is considered to be the final revelation from God to man. Muslims consider it to be the most important book in their religion. It is the central source of Islamic law. Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of God.

Other religious or devotional literature

If you are not sure whether or not you believe in God, you will be able to find information that will convince you otherwise. These writings are not based on the word of God. They are written by people who had a problem with the Bible. They tried to interpret the Bible in a way that was acceptable to them. These writings are called New Age literature. There are a lot of different kinds of New Age literature. Some are scientific theories while others are stories or philosophies. Some of these writings have been used to spread new ideas.Many New Agers think that God isn't really real. They believe that God does not exist. In fact, many of them deny the existence of God completely.


 He helped the people of ancient India to learn from the Vedas. He was also a very influential author. He wrote the Brahma Sutras which contains the most famous teachings of Hinduism. Vyasa was the author of the Mahabharata. The Mahabharata is considered one of the two most sacred books in Hinduism. Vyasa is the person who compiled the epic. He worked on the epic for about 18 years. It took him over a thousand years to compile the Mahabharata. Many people think that Vyasa was the author of the Mahabharata. They say that he was the author because the epic is named after him.

